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This plugin analyses the session files of your wiki and extracts useful information to be displayed on your site.
Warning: please respect the privacy of your users and don't display too much information.

Syntax Rules

Tag Description
%VISITORS{format="..." max="..." sep="..." header="..." footer="..."}% list of users currently logged in
defaults: format="\t* $wikiusername" sep="$n" max="unlimited"
%NRVISITORS% number of users currently online (deprecated)
%LASTVISITORS{format="..." max="..." sep="..." days="..." header="..." footer="..."}% list of users that recently visited the site
defaults: format="\t* $date: $wikiusername" sep="$n" max="unlimited" days="1"
%NRLASTVISITORS{days="..."}% list of users that recently visited the site
defaults: days="1" (deprecated)
%NRUSERS% number of registered users (deprecated)
%NRGUESTS% number of guest users currently online
%NEWUSERS{format="..." max="..." sep="..." header="..." footer="..."}% list of users that recently registerd
defaults: format="\t* date: $wikiusername" sep="$n" max="10"

The format parameter might containt the following variables:

Variable Description Valid in
$index enumeration %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%, %NEWUSERS%
$count number of items found %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%, %NEWUSERS%
$total number of total items %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%, %NEWUSERS%
$wikiname wikiname of the visitor %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%, %NEWUSERS%
$username username of the visitor %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%, %NEWUSERS%
$wikiusername wikiusername of the visitor %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%, %NEWUSERS%
$date date of last visit/registration %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%, %NEWUSERS%
$time time of last visit %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%
$host host of visitor %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%
$topic topic that a visitor viewed last %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%
$quot double-quote sign %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%, %NEWUSERS%
$percnt percentage sign %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%, %NEWUSERS%
$dollar dollar sign %VISITORS%, %LASTVISITORS%, %NEWUSERS%


If the plugin is installed correctly then you should get valid output for the tags below:

2 visitor(s) today:

Recently registered users:

Plugin Settings

Use these settings in your SitePreferences:

  • add a list of host addresses to ignore users comming from them
    • Set IGNORE_HOSTS =
  • add a list of users to ignore

Plugin Installation Instructions

You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the server.

Open configure, and open the "Extensions" section. Use "Find More Extensions" to get a list of available extensions. Select "Install".

If you have any problems, or if the extension isn't available in configure, then you can still install manually from the command-line. See http://foswiki.org/Support/ManuallyInstallingExtensions for more help.

Plugin Info

Author: Foswiki:Main/MichaelDaum
Copyright ©: 2005-2012, Michael Daum
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Release: 2.00
Version: 14554 (2012-04-05)
Home: Foswiki:Extensions/UserInfoPlugin
Support: Foswiki:Support/UserInfoPlugin
Change History:  
05 Apr 2012: modernized
24 Feb 2010: modified to use Foswiki 1.1 Func API
12 Jan 2009: ported to Foswiki (Foswiki:Main.WillNorris)
09 Jun 2006: fixed duplicate users in LASTVISITORS; use IGNORE_USERS in LASTVISITORS
27 May 2006: fixed error computing the number of last visitors (TWiki:Main.DavidBright); exclude the AdminGroup "user" from the statistics; check back if the user found in the logs already approved his account; fixed use of non-numerical value in comparison
17 Feb 2006: optimized tag parsing; using Time::Local instead of Date::Parse; added header and footer format strings; fixed error restricting seen visitors by days
16 Feb 2006: OO-ified the plugin to compile on demand; added IGNORE_USER plugin parameter
14 Feb 2006: fixed detection of the session directory
02 Feb 2006: fixed numerical comparison of dates (TWiki:Main/AntonAylward)
05 Aug 2005: removed dependency on the SessionPlugin
27 Apr 2005: fixed getting guests + some minor glitches
12 Apr 2005: initial release; fixed sep handling, fixed $host parsing